AGM and VRLA batteries are sealed lead-acid battery types commonly used in photovoltaic installations. These batteries have the advantage of being maintenance-free, having high resistance to charge and discharge cycles, and low self-discharge. However, they also have some limitations, such as low charge capacity, high temperature sensitivity and limited lifetime.

To take care of AGM and VRLA batteries in a photovoltaic installation, it is recommended to follow these recommendations:

  • Choose batteries suitable for the type and size of the installation, taking into account power, capacity, voltage and depth of discharge.
  • Install the batteries in a dry, ventilated, clean place, protected from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures (cold and heat) and vibrations.
  • Connect the batteries correctly, following the manufacturer's instructions and respecting the polarity, order and insulation of the cables.
  • Use a suitable charge regulator, which controls the voltage and charging current of the batteries, and prevents overcharging or deep discharge.
  • Charge the batteries fully after each use, and avoid leaving them in a discharged state for a long time.
  • Periodically check the condition of the batteries, by testing voltage, current and internal resistance, and observing if they are inflated, deformed, leaking or corroded.
  • Replace the batteries when their capacity is reduced below 80% of the original one, or when they present any defect or irreparable damage.
  • Dispose of used batteries responsibly, following environmental and recycling regulations, and avoiding contaminating soil or water.


By following these recommendations, you can extend the life of your AGM and VRLA batteries, improve the performance and efficiency of your PV system, and protect your investment.

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