Portable Power Station

Kaise portable batteries are portable power banks suitable for devices with a maximum power consumption of 450W. Through its ports you can connect digital devices, computer, drone, mobile phone, television, fan, small fridge and many more electronic devices that you can take with you during your trip in a motorhome, caravan or camper van.
If you like to travel on the road and in off-grid environments, this is the ideal solution for 100% enjoyment without having to worry about power outages. Charge or connect your devices anywhere.

Prime 750

Portable power station with 786Wh Lithium/Ion battery has several connection possibilities, such as normal EU (schuko) 220/240V plug, 2 DC outputs (5.5×2.1mm) 12V 2.5A, 125W cigarette lighter socket and 2 USB-A and 2 USB-C ports.


Plug and play portable power station that has 444 w/h of rechargeable power to bring portable power to your home, outdoor or job site. Either as a backup power source for areas that suffer power outages due to various causes or as a portable generator for a campsite.


With 222 w/h of portable power either as a backup power source for areas suffering from power outages due to various causes or as a portable generator to your home, workplace or outdoors.


A 155 w/h plug and play portable power station to bring portable power to your home, workplace or outdoors.


Plug and play portable power station that has 88.8 w/h of rechargeable power to bring portable power to your home, workplace or outdoors.

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